Five Things Hospitals Should Know 关于 Implementing 应急管理 Technology


Properly implementing emergency management technology can help hospitals maintain a continuous state of readiness.


几十年来,, hospitals and health systems have largely relied on manual reporting and face-to-face interaction to guide their emergency response. Emergency management teams gather in the physical command center to collect data — delivered by a runner from each unit — and map out their next steps.

完全手动响应具有挑战性,复杂且耗时. 例如, response actions and documentation may need to be varied depending on the Incident Management Team member roles. 也, response time increases while runners wait in the command center for data analysis to be completed and next steps to be identified. An additional challenge is that existing paper-based emergency response plans need to be located in the heat of the moment and it is doubtful they are up to date.

而一些组织仍然依赖于这些手工流程, 其他国家则采用应急管理技术来帮助简化流程, 提高响应的一致性, 并有助于提高绩效. 对于一些, the technology serves as a virtual command center when team members cannot physically convene on-site or the event restricts teams to do so. 其他人, 然而, 使用它作为主要的通知系统, 当灾难发生时,参与并激活他们的团队.


  1. 使用仪表板还记得彩宝网平台之前提到的纸质应急计划吗? 至关重要的是,这些计划易于访问并保持最新. An emergency management dashboard can manage everything from your Emergency Operations Plans to patient census, 人员配备, resources and other critical information – along with the ability to ask custom questions to capture the data that is most important at the time. Some emergency management technology provides tools for managing these plans real-time and seamlessly and displaying key information on the dashboard.
  2. 让合适的团队成员参与进来: While engagement of the emergency management team is critical to the success of this onboarding process, 高层决策者需要实时数据和报告. Ensuring your emergency management technology is configured with the needs of both audiences is key.
  3. 拉力赛冠军,了解你的障碍: Champions are extremely helpful to successful onboarding, implementation and process improvement. Learning a new system takes time and having in-house experts will allow for faster adoption of the technology among team members and ensure effective onboarding of new users. 了解任何障碍, 过程是否, 文化, or individuals is key in ensuring the project plan and program are geared to help overcome any challenges and rally additional support.
  4. 制定时间表: The development of an implementation plan and timeline will help keep your teams engaged and on track. Using emergency management technology brings tremendous value to Incident Management Teams, 然而, ensuring that technology is configured correctly and teams have a full understanding of its use is paramount in your organization’s success. 例如, 理解和报告床位数在宏观层面上可能是不同的, 比如从你的组织到社区或政府, 而不是在你的机构或组织中进行详细的研究. 单位报告的支持和资源需求的儿科单位与. 医疗外科单位可能非常不同. Developing a timeline from initial implementation through exercises and continued use will help your organization succeed.
  5. 决定如何使用技术: Is emergency management technology a backup for times when the team can’t physically gather in the emergency operations center? 或者它是指导应急响应的主要工具? While there isn’t a right or wrong answer, it is important to set expectations with team members. 许多应急管理技术,包括 ProtectAdvisr™,允许团队远程访问系统. So, if an emergency manager is offsite and can’t get to the facility for 30-60-minutes, 他们有机会查看实时数据, 在到达医院之前评估情况并做出关键决定.

While implementing a new emergency management technology requires an investment of time and resources, 确保系统配置良好, populated with up-to-date information and that team members are comfortable using the technology from day one is key to success. Ensuring your team can reap the benefits of activating a response in 30-minutes or less, that response is consistent and that data is actionable all require buy-in from the team and a commitment to the onboarding process.

ProtectAdvisr™ 是一个强大的应急管理和生命安全软件解决方案吗. 它已被用于超过3个国家,000 emergency management activations and is trusted by the leading for-profit health system in the U.S. Learn more about how ProtectAdvisr™ can help strengthen your facility’s emergency management program.



Matt joined Jensen Hughes in 2017 and serves clients out of the Baltimore/Washington DC area. He provides support for a wide-range of client consulting projects and leads the strategic vision and innovations of the Jensen Hughes 数字 ProtectAdvisr application.

更多来自Jensen Hughes的博客文章



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